Untidy land

Report untidy land

You can report untidy land using our online form below.

To help us respond to your complaint, provide us with as many images you feel are needed. They should show the condition of the land. Information given is used to help us to establish if enforcement action can be taken. 

A decision may be taken to close anonymous reports about untidy land where -

  • not enough information has been provided
  • enforcement action is not possible without further evidence

You cannot use this form to report -

  • obstructions on private land as these are civil matters. We recommend you speak to neighbours or landlords. If this is unsuccessful, seek independent legal advice. For example -
    • tenfoots
    • footpaths
    • roads
    • communal land
  • street cleaning
  • vegetation overhanging or obstructing the highway
  • Japanese Knotweed
  • private rented housing giving rise to issues
    • concerns on housing condition
    • overcrowding
    • structural disrepair
    • long term empty property

Talk to your neighbour or their landlord

You could let your neighbour know that there is a problem. You could have a polite conversation with them or write a polite letter.

If you know your neighbour lives in a rented property, you may wish to contact their landlord to let them know your concerns.

Neighbour disputes

If you are experiencing damage to your property from your neighbour, which you believe is caused by overgrown vegetation, this would be a civil matter. It is for you to deal with, and you should seek independent legal advice.

Advice on this and on neighbour disputes is available from Citizens Advice online. Or you can call 0800 144 8848.

If your dispute concerns a high hedge consisting of a line of 2 or more evergreen or semi evergreen trees or shrubs, find information on how to report this here. The high hedge must be over 2 meters in height.

Report untidy land (opens in new window)