Bid for a home

Successful bids

We will contact you if you are the successful bidder. We will contact you by the telephone number or email address you provided in your housing application.

We may wait until the property is ready to let before we contact the successful bidder. Carry on bidding for properties until you are contacted by us to say you have been successful and are being considered for a property. As soon as a property is ready to let, we will contact the successful bidder to arrange the next steps.

You can see what happened to the property you bid on that was previously advertised in 2 different ways -

  • by logging onto My Housing Online and looking at the bidding pages for the previous property listings
  • by accessing our lettings feedback which are listed by tenancy start date

Be aware our properties are taking longer than usual to be ready for let. We will contact you directly if you are allocated a property to inform when it is ready, and we would like to thank you for your patience.

If you have an urgent query about your housing application, you can -