Neighbourhood Teams

What we do

We will work to address issues that impact on residents quality of life. Each ward has a named Neighbourhood Coordinator. They will support local councillors in setting local priorities and delivering key projects. They want to improve you local area, building pride within our communities.

One of our aims is to identify all opportunities for -

  • residents
  • businesses
  • visitors

to contribute to and benefit from the City Plan. In particular -

  • making Hull a world class visitor destination
  • developing projects and promoting links with each area's heritage
  • culture and sports activities
  • prevention and early intervention by supporting residents to play a fuller and more rewarding role in their local community and city life
  • tackling health inequalities
  • maximising opportunities for residents to participate in healthy living projects in their neighbourhoods

Details will vary between areas and these will be reflected in more detailed plans for each area. This is by using customer insight and local knowledge to focus activity on community needs and aspirations.

Neighbourhood priorities

We engage with residents in many different ways to work out priorities and help deliver improvements. We use information from statistical data such as -

  • demographic information
  • area engagement events
  • customer feedback surveys
  • ward forums
  • service requests
  • intelligence from partners

to identify the things that you want addressing across your area.