Neighbourhood Teams

How to get involved in your area

You can get involved by making sure your Neighbourhood Team knows what issues matter to you and your neighbourhood by attending. Or you can contact us through one of these methods -

Community centres

Neighbourhood teams provide advice and support to Community Associations. This is with the aim of making sure centres benefit local communities. These community centres vary in size and in the facilities and services they offer. They are managed by local volunteers made up of local people from within the local community.

The activities they each offer reflect the needs and interests of local residents. Find out more about your local community centres.


Our aim is to keep local communities aware of what’s happening in the area. We have a number of notice boards throughout Hull. They have information and what activities are in your area.

Contact us

If you have a general enquiry, you can contact us through the button below. Search for your ward or neighbourhood team through our online directory to contact us in other ways and connect with our social media channels. To find out your ward you can search using your postcode.

Send a general enquiry