Road safety

We manage road safety education, training and publicity projects. We support education and training in the city’s schools. We also organise publicity that supports Department for Transport and regional campaigns.

Traffic schemes

We initiate small to large scale traffic schemes, including various forms of traffic engineering that help improve road safety in the city. These include -

  • traffic calming and 20mph zones
  • safer routes to school schemes
  • the installation of pedestrian facilities
  • local safety schemes with a view to reducing road casualties
  • the installation of bus lanes
  • the upgrading of existing highway corridors and streets
  • cycle schemes to improve facilities for cyclists
  • speed limits
  • traffic regulation orders, including double yellow lines
  • dangerous junctions

We will also investigate if you feel a particular road junction is the cause of a history of traffic related injuries or accidents. Write to us -

Road safety
Hull City Council
Floor 2
Festival House
93 Jameson Street

Telephone - 01482 300 300
Text phone - 01482 300 349