Freedom of information requests

We strive to respond to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act in a timely manner.

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives you a right of access to recorded information held by us.

Anyone can request information. There are no restrictions on your age, nationality or where you live.

Before you make a request

We seek to make available through the Open Data pages on its website the information that is either needed to be published through the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, or is requested on a regular basis.

Make sure you -

  • are not able to access the information you require by other means. Our publication scheme lists the information we publish
  • apply directly to the correct organisation, we do not hold -
    • comprehensive information relating to current pupils and students. This is held by the relevant school
    • health information, held by the health authorities
    • police information, held by Humberside Police

The simplest way to send a request for information is to complete the below form. This form requires the following to be completed -

  • name
  • address
  • contact number

Under the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) guidance, your request must -

  • be in writing
  • include the requesters name and an address for correspondence
    • this can be any address where the requester can be contacted including email
  • provide a description of the information being requested

If you do not wish to provide an address or telephone number, email your request through to

Make a freedom of information request (opens in a new window)

If you have asked for information –

We acknowledge your information request as soon as possible. Our final response is sent within 20 working days.


We may turn down your request if –

  • the information is sensitive. If this applies, we tell you why we cannot give you some or all of the information you have requested
  • it will cost more than £450 to find and extract the information. This cost to us is based on an hourly rate for
    • finding
    • sorting
    • collating the information requested


If a request involves photocopying, printing or posting, charges are -

  • no charge for the first 20 sheets, 25p per sheet thereafter
  • minimum postage charge of £2.50

The payment is required before the request is actioned.

Reviews and complaints

If you are not happy with the outcome of your freedom of information request, you can ask us to review our decision.

Police officer requests

 These requests are necessary to investigate a crime or prosecute an offender.

  • If you are an officer and need the information urgently because it is a high-risk situation or life or death, call 01482 300 300
  • If it is not urgent, complete the Humberside police ‘DP9’ form
  • alternatively you can download and submit a Schedule 2 Part 1(2) form (opens in a new window)

Return forms to -

Information Governance Team
Hull City Council
The Guildhall
Alfred Gelder Street
Hull HU1 2AA

Email –