Discretionary Housing Payment

Who can claim

If you receive Housing Benefit or the Universal Credit Housing Element but you are still struggling to pay your rent, you can apply for Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP).

To make a claim you must already be receiving Housing Benefit or Universal Credit Housing element for your current address.

DHP can also help with Rent in Advance or a Deposit to help you move. We cannot award your rent in advance if you have already signed for your new tenancy to a new address.

Each claim is considered on its own merits. We take into account your income and expenses and how your circumstances affect your ability to pay your rent. You will be informed of our decision in writing.

This is a discretionary award with no fixed rate or payment period. It is a limited fund and awarded on an individual basis. It is not guaranteed. Any award is intended to help you for a short period. It will only meet up to a maximum of the shortfall between your eligible rent and help you are already receiving.

You can apply for another award when the first has run out.