Domestic abuse strategy

Following the completion of a comprehensive Equality Impact Assessment, that informed the development and publication of a draft Domestic Abuse Strategy and which has been widely consulted on the Hull Domestic Abuse Strategy for 2021 to 2024.

This new strategy builds on the extensive work already achieved in the city. The Strategic Domestic Abuse Board will work together to ensure a robust and timely implementation of the strategy takes place.

The overall vision of the strategy is that Hull is a city where 'everyone can live safe and healthy lives and achieve their full potential, without the threat and fear of domestic abuse'.

Ultimately, our aim is to reduce the number of victims impacted by domestic abuse and ensure that when it does occur all those affected get a trauma informed, needs led response, quickly.

This strategy is designed around 4 key priorities which are intended to contribute to the overarching Vision. These key priorities and commitments will drive our approach over the next 3 years.

The key priorities and their commitments are for all irrespective of -

  • gender
  • sex
  • age
  • disability
  • ethnicity
  • sexual orientation
  • religion

recognising intersectionality of these characteristics, as evidenced and reflected in the Equalities Impact Analysis and detailed in the delivery plan.

Priority 1 - preventing domestic abuse through early identification and intervention

Priority 2 - provision of high quality service

Priority 3 - pursuing perpetrators and seeking justice

Priority 4 - partnership working, workforce development and co-production

The strategy provides a framework with shared definitions, understanding and priorities. It allows the promotion of partnership working and coordination of service delivery. This makes sure that all victims and their children will receive improved trauma informed needs led support.

Safe housing and support for domestic abuse survivors.

The Domestic Abuse Act brings new duties which have been captured in the Domestic Abuse Strategy. To deliver these, we have been allocated a grant of £732,000 by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to provide specialist safe accommodation and support to survivors of domestic abuse.

More information about support.

Call Hull Domestic Abuse Partnership - 01482 318 759

Email -

In an emergency, telephone 999.