Gambling and Gaming Act Premises Licence and Permits


Application objections

All contested applications are referred to our Licensing Sub-Committee, made up of 3 elected councillors, to consider the objections in relation to the application.

You will be invited to attend and make your application to the Sub-Committee. You may ask questions of the Sub-Committee and of the objectors. You may be required to answer questions raised by the Sub-Committee or the objectors. Hearings are normally heard in public and as a result, members of the press and public may be in attendance.

Granted licences

The holder of a Premises Licence has to -

keep the Licence on the premises and arrange for it to be made available on request to -

  • a constable
  • an enforcement officer
  • an authorised local authority officer

It is also a requirement of the Act that the Summary is displayed in a prominent place within the premises.

Access all application forms.

Use the form below if you have a query about a licence -

Licence and permit queries (opens in new window)