Adopted Kingswood area action plan

Kingswood is a modern community on the northern edge of the city. Work to provide new housing, retail, leisure and employment facilities started in the 1990s. Kingswood continues to thrive and grow today. So far over 3,600 new homes have been built. Land is available at Kingswood for approximately 3,100 more homes.

The Kingswood area action plan provides the vision and planning framework of this area of major change for the next 15 years. The plan was adopted on Thursday 15 September 2016. This was after an independent examination which took place in spring 2016. You can view the inspector’s report and appendix below.

The adopted plan contains policies and their justification. It should be read in along with the Policies Map. This shows the different land uses and designations in the action plan area.

A sustainability appraisal of the plan has been carried out. The appraisal dated May 2015 is the version of the plan submitted to the Secretary of State in November 2015. The addendum is an appraisal of the final plan. It considers the modifications brought by the examination of the plan in spring 2016.

Access more information about our action plans.