Local Authority land and assets

Land and buildings form part of local authorities’ fixed assets. Details of these must be published under the Code. Most authorities hold an asset register for land and buildings. They annually publish the overall value of their fixed assets. This is as a part of their statement of accounts.

The Code now makes it mandatory for local authorities to publish details of each land and building asset at least annually. There is a preference for more frequent updates as and when the register changes.

We also publish through My Hull detailed information showing the - 

  • registered land that the council owns
  • adopted highway
  • listed buildings
  • conservation areas

My Hull allows you to access a range of information about your property and local area. It allows you to find information about local facilities and services. You can also access a wide range of different themes of information on a map or aerial photo by entering your postcode. To access information relating to our land and assets, choose the drop-down on environment and planning.

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