Browser compatibility for online payments

You need to make sure that you are using a compatible browser to access online payments.

Online payments only accept browser connections that use Transport Layer Security 1.2 (TLS 1.2).

Continue to payment (link opens in new window)

Testing your browser compatibility

Visit the Quickstream website to check if your browser is compatible (opens in new window).

Compatible Browsers

Supported browser Supported browser version
Android Android 4.4 or above
Chrome 30 and above
Firefox 24 and above
Safari 7 and above and OSX 10.9
Safari Mobile 5 and above for iOS 5 and above
Opera 17 and above

If you try to make a payment using an incompatible browser you will not be able to access the payment system.

Follow the guidance notes to update your browser.

Some customers experience issues making payments using Google Chrome and Edge on iPhone devices. If you experience issues making payment in these browsers, use an alternative browser such as Safari or Firefox.

Apple Safari

There are no options for enabling Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocols. If you are using Safari version 7 or greater, TLS 1.2 is automatically enabled.