If you wish to pay your invoice, you need your reference number which is 10 digits long and starts with a 6 or a 7. You can find this number on your invoice.
Pay your Adult Social Care invoice (opens in a new window)
Non-residential - Direct debit
We can set up regular payments from your bank or building society account on your behalf. You just need to complete and return our Direct Debit mandate. The Direct Debit will be set up for first of each month. This will be the date that your payment will be withdrawn from your bank account.
Post your completed direct debit mandate to -
Hull City Council
ASC Income and Payments team
PO Box 15
Adult Social Care residential and non-residential charging periods
You can access Information on the scheduled charging periods for 2024 to 2025 adult social care for residential and non-residential care.
Transfers and Standing Orders
You can transfer a one-off payment or set up regular payments from your bank or building society.
Our bank details are -
- Sort code - 56 00 06
- Account number - 03889149
- you need to quote your 10-digit invoice number