Hull Infrastructure Funding Statement

We are required to produce an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) yearly that sets out details about CIL/S106 planning obligation receipts and projects. This makes clear infrastructure that has or will be provided in using this funding.

Our Statements are provided in our downloads.

Planning obligations

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) relate to making development proposals acceptable in planning terms that would not otherwise be agreed. Terms between the developer and us are agreed about development impacts that could include a highway contribution. There can also be contributions towards public open space and play provision. There is a Section 106 Protocol that explains this in more detail.

Hull Community Infrastructure Levy

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a way of funding important projects that help the growth of the city. This does not replace the need for Section 106 planning obligations but it does relate to funding of ‘place shaping infrastructure’.

From 1 February 2018  we agreed a charging schedule that applies to housing and certain retail schemes. These charges are based on a broad viability assessment. Different rates apply in different locations in the city and in certain cases there is no charge. 

Should a development scheme be liable there is a process for paying CIL and forms to complete. There are financial penalties if this process is not followed. The CIL protocol explains the -

  • process
  • charging rates
  • exemptions

CIL notices

There are forms to help you through the different stages in paying CIL or in seeking exemptions from it. Before submitting a planning application you can check with us if your proposal is liable to CIL. If your proposal is liable you should send the completed assumption of liability form.

The liability notice is issued by us alongside the decision notice for planning consent. This tells you how much to pay.

A commencement notice should be submitted by you to us prior to development being started.

A demand notice is issued by us after works start on site. The demand notice details the payment terms. You normally have to pay within 60 days of starting the works, but instalments can be made for large sites.

In certain cases you are exempt from paying CIL such as if a self-build or involves a charity. You have to provide evidence of this by completing the form.

Planning and development

If you need more information