Shed and service cupboard fire doors

Fire Safety Improvement Works

Renewal of internal shed and service cupboard doors and frames to low and medium rise blocks citywide.

We are committed to making sure that properties meet the latest best practice standards for fire, health and safety. It is a legal requirement that we have to upgrade individual shed doors and frames to 30-minute fire doors.

This planned work programme is city wide. It will include all low and medium rise blocks. Whilst in the block we will be also changing the service cupboard doors.

We will write to you to let you know when work is due to start in your area. We have asked our partner contractor, Kingstown Works Limited (KWL) to do these works. They may employ subcontractors.

The contractor will take measurements. After this the new doors should take up to 6 weeks to manufacture. When your new shed fire door is ready to be fitted, KWL will contact you to arrange a convenient date and time. The installation should take around 4 hours.