Smoke alarm detectors and ventilation servicing

Smoke detectors

Since 2002, most smoke alarms fitted in council homes -

  • are mains powered
  • have a 10-year lithium backup battery. The battery is not replaceable

A special tool is used to remove the smoke alarm cover. Do not attempt to remove the battery or open the detectors yourself.

To report a detector sounding under fault conditions call –

  • 01482 300 300

Smoke alarm and ventilation servicing

Low, medium and high-rise council dwellings. Every 4 years we inspect and test smoke and ventilation systems. You will receive a notification letter from our partner contractor Kingstown Works Limited. The inspection or test will take about one hour to complete.
The inspection or test will -

  • certify that the smoke detectors and ventilation system can continue to be used in safety
  • identify if replacement works are needed to maintain the safe operation of the installation

Work carried out -

  • the casing of the ventilation units will be removed and vacuumed out
  • units have failed - a new one may be required. You will be advised
  • no units present - KWL will arrange to install them
  • smoke alarm test

If replacements are needed -

You will receive an appointment letter from Kingstown Works Limited. The work will take one to 2 hours to complete.

Important information

We have a duty to carry out this work on health and safety grounds.

If necessary –

  • we will seek to enforce the tenancy agreement which gives us the right to carry out work

If entry is denied by leaseholders –

  • access will be formally obtained. This is in line with enforcement procedures carried out by the Leasehold Team