Worried about an adult

A vulnerable or at risk adult is a person aged 18 years or over who -

  • has needs for care and support whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs
  • is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect
  • as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves. This is from either the risk of or the experience of abuse or neglect

An adult with care and support needs may be someone who -

  • has a physical or learning disability or a sensory impairment
  • is elderly
  • has mental health needs, such as dementia or a personality disorder
  • misuses substances or alcohol. They misuse it to the extent that it affects their ability to manage day to day living
  • has a long term health condition
  • is providing unpaid care to a family member or friend

Vulnerable people are at risk of abuse which can take many forms.