Street Charter for Hull

Hull Street Charter 2024 to 2029

The Council has a duty under the Equality Act 2010 called the Public Sector Equality Duty. One of these duties requires services to advance equality of opportunity.

Amongst those groups of people described as having a protected characteristic are -

  • disabled people
  • older people
  • young people

All of whom benefit from having a clear, legible and  logical built environment. 

Us through our highways department are committed to our equality duties and to creating and maintaining an accessible built environment giving everyone an equal chance to be involved in the life of the city, socialise, and remain independent. 

A charter is a simple document that shows a commitment, or list of commitments, which everyone involved agrees to abide by. By signing the charter, we make a pledge to implement the charter's action points. 

The Street Charter forms part of the policy interventions for a group of strategic planning and development documents, including the Local Plan, Local Transport Plan, the Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan and Towards an Active Hull. Key to strategic development of the city is the ambition to create Hull as a walking and cycling city with active travel central to accessibility for all.

Our Street Charter has been developed in partnership with a number of stakeholders. 

These are listed below -

The charter is a list of commitments which everyone involved and agrees to abide by. By signing the charter, Hull City Council makes a pledge to implement the charter's action points.

This charter explores the main challenges that disabled people face when out and about such as -

  • inaccessible crossings
  • shared space
  • parking on pavements
  • advertising boards
  • street and café furniture
  • temporary street works
  • wheelie bins and recycling bags
  • overgrown shrubbery and branches
  • dog fouling

Access the Hull Street Charter 2024 to 2029

If you have come across any of the below concerns you can complete our Hull Street Charter form to make us aware - 

  • advertising boards
  • dog fouling
  • electric vehicle charging
  • inaccessible crossings
  • overgrown shrubbery and branches
  • parking on pavements
  • recycling bags
  • street / cafe furniture
  • temporary street works
  • wheelie bins

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