
Childcare options

You have lots of different options to choose from in regard to childcare providers in Hull. There are also many options to where you can access your child’s funded early education place.


Ofsted registered childminders are self-employed childcare professionals. They work in their own homes caring for other people’s children. They care for small numbers of children in their home-setting and will often care for a range of ages. Childminders can be flexible and offer patterns of childcare to support many families. Many childminders will offer a drop-off and pick up service for schools in their area. Some childminders offer funded early education places.

Day Nurseries

Day nurseries look after and educate children up until the start primary school. They tend to open from 8am to 6pm. Day nurseries operate all year round, usually except bank holidays. Most nurseries offer funded early education places that are available to 2, 3, and 4-year-olds.


Pre-schools provide play and education sessions for children aged 2 to 5 years old. Pre-schools and playgroups tend to run term time only. Usually from around 9am to lunchtime or from lunchtime to around 3pm or 4pm. This depends on the sessions they operate. You can access your funded education place that are available for children aged 2, 3 and 4 at most pre-schools.

Primary school nurseries

The majority of Hull primary schools have nursery classes for 3 to 4-year-olds. They have a limited number for 2-year-olds. Nursery classes operate during school hours, term time only. There is a session in the morning and a session in the afternoon.

Wraparound childcare

Families with school age children will often need childcare at the beginning or end of the school day. This is as well as during school holidays. This wraparound provision can be provided by a range of different providers such as -

  • a childminder
  • breakfast club
  • day nursery
  • after-school club
  • holiday schemes

These may be linked to the child’s school or based in the local community.

For more information on childcare options in your area, contact –

Family Information Service
The Orchard Centre
210 Orchard Park Road

For more information you can visit the Family Information Service website.