Get involved

Involvement principles

Listening to and empowering our customers is key to our business. We want to make this as easy as possible, in a way that best suits you. The Tenant Participation Team works to support the 8 main involvement principles.

Open information

Tenants receive regular newsletters. You also have, on request, access to information on all housing matters. The only exceptions to this are matters that involve statutory legal duties. Or those that involve information that is confidential. We want people to have the information they need to give informed views on the service they receive.

Tenants decide their own depth and degree of involvement

We would like to see tenants involved at all levels and in everything we do. What you get involved in and how you get involved is up to you.

Everything in housing is open to influence

We have certain statutory legal duties. Sometimes things are confidential. Beyond this, if something is of interest, tenants can get involved. There are no topics or services that are off limits.

Involvement is everyone’s business

While the council has a specialist Tenant Participation Team, all sections and staff in the Housing Service have important roles to play in our partnership with tenants.

Early enough influence

We aim to start talking together before issues have been decided. Members of the tenants' forum will have been able to influence issues at the earliest stage. This is before any formal decisions are made.

Getting everyone involved

We want everyone to have a chance to take part. We take steps to encourage people who are not properly represented amongst the people currently involved. We want to remove barriers that can slow or prevent the participation of people with protected characteristics as detailed within the 2010 Equality Act.

We have schemes to help people with any expenses incurred as a result of participation. We can go to them, and we can organise road shows and events in the community.

Demonstrating that everyone's views have been taken into account

Local people need to know what happens next. We provide feedback verbally, by letter or in print. It is impossible to everyone all the time, but we provide the outcome of consultations.

Planning for successful involvement - and keeping plans on track

Tenants and the housing service make and keep track of joint plans. We want involvement to have an impact. Volunteers must feel their time and efforts are useful and well spent.

All this is laid out in our Tenant Compact and Involvement Strategy.