Local Heritage List

Removing locally listed buildings and sites from the list

How an entry is removed from the Local List

The demolition of a Local List entry would result in its automatic omission from the Local List. If a building or structure is substantially demolished or altered so that the reasons for its entry onto the list have been removed, it can be removed upon request or during a periodical review of the list. A report for a removal is presented to Planning Committee, who have approval.

An entry from the Local List can be removed if it was to receive national designation, such as being listed or scheduled. Details of how to apply for national designation is on Historic England’s Website.

You can find details of entries on the Local List removed by designation.

The Local List was formed in 2006. Since then, 46 entries on the list have been removed. The reasons have been their demolition or loss of special interest. Here you can find details of removed entries.