Central heating advice

As the cold weather approaches, around 23,000 council properties may soon be switching on the central heating. It's worth checking your central heating is working properly before it gets too cold.

Below are our top tips to make sure your heating is ready for winter -

Turn the boiler on and adjust the temperature

First turn the boiler on. During winter, the Energy Saving Trust recommends that your heating should be set to between 18 degrees and 21 degrees centigrade. Try testing in this range at first and increase the temperature if needed to check the heating.

Check your radiators

Once the heating is on, give it a few minutes to start working, then check each radiator to see if it is getting warm.

Common problems

Radiator cold spots

If you notice cold spots at the top of your radiator, it might need bleeding. We advise that you get in touch with us if you notice cold spots.

Pressure loss

Some boilers are pressurised and as such the pressure in your boiler needs to be around 1 to 1.5 bar. Check the pressure gauge, if the pressure is lower than this, it may need re-pressuring. We advise that you get in touch with us if you notice low pressure.

Pilot light

Some boilers have a permanent pilot light. If this has blown out, it will need to be re-lit.

Time settings

Your thermostat might be set to come on at a specific time or may have been accidentally changed since you last used your central heating. Double check it is set to work at the time you are testing the heating.

Tips for winter

Boilers can sometimes stop working if they are not used regularly. It is advisable to run your central heating system at least one hour every day throughout winter to make sure it continues to run smoothly.

The water in external condensate pipes can freeze in very cold weather. This can stop the boiler working and even causes pipes to burst. It is advisable where possible to install pipe insulation to prevent water from freezing.

When to seek help

If you have followed the above guidance and been unable to get your central heating working and you need assistance between the hours of 9am to 4.30pm contact us.