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Hull City Council housing

There is not enough council housing for everyone wanting a new home to be offered one. Most people applying to the council for a new home will not be offered one, even those in housing need such as overcrowded households or those needing to move for other urgent reasons.

Before you decide whether to apply, you should check whether you would qualify for the type of property you want, where you want it and how many properties we advertise.

It is also really important that you note that unless you are awarded a priority for rehousing, you are unlikely to be offered a council home. Even those awarded priorities may not get exactly what they want or the area they ideally want to be. You can find out more about eligibility criteria.

If you apply to go onto our housing list, we will prioritise those applications that are most urgent, based upon the information you tell us in your application. Even if you are placed on the housing list, this does not mean you will get a property quickly or at all.

It is vital that you consider other options available to you in your search for a new home.