How the council works

Our policies and procedures

Not all policies are yet available online. If you require a copy of the below policies then email us at - and these can be provided.

Strategies developed in partnership with other bodies

Our Policy Framework identifies 2 key cross organisational strategies. These provide the framework for prioritising integrated service delivery within the city. These strategies frame the development of the detailed strategies through which public sector bodies work together to deliver shared outcomes in the city.

  • the Community Plan explains the Sustainable Community Strategy for the city, which has been developed together with the community and partner organisations
  • the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy developed through the Health and Wellbeing Board informed by intelligence within the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment articulates the approach to addressing -
    • health inequalities
    • promoting prevention
    • delivering system integration

In addition to this our Corporate Plan articulates the deployment of resources within the council to support delivery of the city wide strategies.

We make decisions together with partners through sub-regional economic and health and care statutory boards including -

under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 duties to work together to implement strategies that make a difference to the lives of local people through tackling crime and the fear of crime through The Police and Crime Plan.

1. The Community Strategy

The Community Strategy for the city is known as the Community Plan and includes 6 themes within which existing city strategies sit -

Safe and welcoming neighbourhoods

Our ambition is to create safe, attractive, and inclusive neighbourhoods where everyone feels welcome.

A healthier and fairer Hull

Our ambition is to create a fairer Hull where everyone benefits from real and sustained improvements in health and wellbeing.

Reaching our potential

Our ambition is to make Hull a Child Friendly City and a place where lifelong learning is valued, supporting access to good quality jobs, and ensuring everyone can reach their potential.

Economic growth that works for all

Our ambition is to build on the city’s role as a regional hub for enterprise, growth and high productivity and skills.

Responding to the climate emergency

Our ambition is to be an environmentally friendly city at the forefront of the climate change agenda.

Our Heritage, Our City, Our Future

Our ambition is to build on Hull’s reputation as a leading UK city in community-led culture and heritage.

2. The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The strategy encompasses 3 themes which have been mapped to existing city strategies and delivery groups. Delivery of the Strategy is overseen by the Health and Wellbeing Board.

The application of pooled resources is managed through the Hull Health and Care Partnership Joint Committee within a framework articulated within the Memorandum of Understanding signed by all partners.

Through the Joint Committee the Local Authority and the Integrated Care Board plan resource commitment locally with their partners -

In addition, through the Hull and Goole Port Health Authority partner, authorities manage the health risks attendant upon the ports within the region in terms of -

  • pollution control
  • infections disease control
  • food importation

The national and local strategies and structures that support the delivery of the strategy are referenced below -

Proactive prevention

Reducing health inequalities

System integration

3. The Corporate Plan

The council structures its resource to deliver its services to support the above cross organisational strategies through its Corporate Plan and associated use of resource strategies -

Public consultation

The council’s public consultation platform through which it undertakes consultation on the development of policies and strategies can be found via YourSay.