- Adult Safeguarding and Human Rights
- Adversity and Trauma-Informed Practice
- Becoming Culturally Competent
- Channel Awareness
- Child Criminal Exploitation
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Child sexual exploitation awareness
- Contextual Safeguarding
- County lines
- Designated Safeguarding Leads' refresher
- Designated Safeguarding Leads' training
- Domestic Abuse Awareness - the impact on adults, children, and the community
- Domestic abuse children and young people (expect respect educational toolkit and young people's risk identification checklist)
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - identifying and supporting
- HCC Domestic Abuse Policy Guidance for Managers and Supervisors
- Hidden Harm - parental substance misuse and the impact on children
- Hidden Sentence training - because families serve sentences too
- Honour based abuse and forced marriage
- Introduction to Domestic Abuse
- Introduction to neglect
- Introduction to prevent
- Managing allegations workshop - virtual
- Modern slavery and human trafficking
- Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and the National Referral Mechanism
- Neglect awareness training
- Neglect partner workshop
- Prevent referrals
- Recognising and responding to child abuse linked to faith and belief
- Recognising and responding to harmful sexual behaviours and sibling abuse
- Safeguarding adults level 2
- Safeguarding adults level 3
- Safeguarding adults level one
- Safeguarding Children - A Shared Responsibility
- Safeguarding children - learning from case reviews
- Safeguarding children - processes, principles, and dilemmas
- Safeguarding children and adults
- Safeguarding children and adults awareness - including neglect observation tool - for KWL
- Safeguarding children and young people online
- Safeguarding children, young people, and at-risk adults - awareness for drivers
- Safer recruiting - refresher
- Safer recruiting training - multi-agency
- Safer recruiting training - schools
- Safer sleeping
- Signs of safety partnership briefing - virtual
- Substance misuse - drug and alcohol awareness
- Substance use - screening and brief interventions
- The vulnerability of babies
- Threshold of Need
- Trauma sensitive practice with children