- A Strengths-Based Approach to Adult Social Care
- Adult Medication Training - Train the Trainer
- Adults Medication Competency Training
- An Introduction to Adults Liquidlogic
- Bed Rails and Risk Management Awareness Training
- Carer Champion Training
- Continence, Catheter and Stoma Care Awareness
- Dementia Awareness
- Domestic abuse and the impact on those with care and support needs
- Epilepsy awareness
- Harm reduction training
- Human Rights Act 1998 - an introduction to Human Rights in practice
- Infection prevention and control
- Introduction to the Care Act 2014
- Long term assessments plans and reviews Liquidlogic
- Medication - Approved Medication for Adults Services
- Mental Capacity Act in practice
- Mental capacity and Deprivation of Liberty - adults
- Mental Capacity introduction level one
- Moving and handling children and adults refresher
- Pressure ulceration (sores) awareness
- Renew - Alcohol and Drug Misuse Awareness in Adult Social Care
- Renew - Intervention and advice - identification and quick assessment of substance misuse (adult social care)
- Safeguarding adults level 2
- Safeguarding adults level 3
- Safeguarding adults level one
- Safety intervention foundation - refresher
- Safety Intervention Foundation Course
- Solution focused practice in ASC
- The Accessible Information Standard - introduction
- The Accessible Information Standard - towards excellence
- The Armed Forces Covenant
- The Care Act and Childrens and Families Act 2014
- Trauma informed practice working with adults
- Trusted assessor refresher
- Trusted Assessor Training
- Understanding dementia